
The betr Darwin Triple Crown is committed to creating an inclusive event for all attendees, please find the accessibility venue map and FAQ's below.
Planning for the Event
Tickets will go on sale later in the year, follow our socials or subscribe to keep up to speed!
Yes. Australian Companion Cards are accepted for general admission tickets at the gate when attending with a paying guest who requires assistance. Present your card at the gate.
Yes. Approved assistance animals are accepted.
Getting There
Dedicated parking bays will be available and clearly indicated on the event map. Please show your Australian Disability Parking Scheme badge to the traffic controllers.
Yes, all buses on the timetable have low-floors.
All gates have wide lanes and are accessible.
Enjoying the Event
Accessible bathrooms will be clearly indicated on the event map closer to the event.
An accessible shuttle bus operated by Carpentaria is available by contacting event control. There are also dedicated accessible buggies operated by our event champions at Gate 3.
Two accessible viewing platforms will be available and highlighted on the venue map closer to the event.
The betr Darwin Triple Crown is proud to be partnering with the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Initiative this year. Sunflower lanyards will be free and available to collect from our event champion information booths. Sunflower lanyards assist with easy identification with staff and security for the purpose of accessing assistance at the event. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower information booth will be situated onsite within the Infield.
Event Champions in orange high visibility vests are available to help. Event champions have direct communications with event control who can assist with any questions, concerns or emergencies.
Getting Home
Event champions have direct contact with the bus company to ensure getting onto the bus is an easy process.
Email us at or call (08) 8999 5256.